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From ‘Ancient Oracle’ to 21st Century ‘Oracle Cards’


What is an Oracle?

OracleAn ‘oracle’, in ancient times, was either a sacred place where the ancient Greeks for example would go to consult a God, or it was an actual person who acted as an ‘oracle’ or ‘seer’, with the deep and discerning ability to offer guidance and wisdom, sourced from the Divine. Many people including notable figures of history would go to oracles to get answers and guidance, or as a means of connecting directly to specific Gods or spirits.
Now, in modern times, we see that there are many forms of oracles. There are psychics, clairvoyants, mediums, and many other variations of people with spiritual gifts of seeing, knowing, hearing or feeling.

Oracle cards are basically a divination tool used to gain insight. They are cards with pictures, symbols and sometimes words or numbers. For many centuries, people have used tarot cards and even traditional playing cards. Nowadays, there are many kinds of oracle cards, many of which have themes or are focused on a particular being such as angels, archangels, fairies and mermaids. Many lightworkers refer to these cards generically as ‘angel cards’, as they work purely with love and light. The Divine guidance that angel cards provide is always “uplifting, positive and loving. Angel messages always mention how to improve something: an outlook, one’s health, relationships, the environment, the world, and so on.” (quoted from The Angel Therapy Handbook, Doreen Virtue, p.49)
The idea is that the card reader taps into the universal consciousness of symbolism and archetypes provided by the card’s visual imagery, as well as follow their own intuitive hunches or psychic sensations, in order to gain meaning and give messages. If the card reader has psychic ability, then they are able to tap into the person they are reading for, as well as beings in other dimensions such as angels, or loved ones in spirit (which involves ‘mediumship’).

How Do Card Readings Work?

Archangel-Oracle-CardsIt is important to understand that angel cards are tools that offer general guidance for our personal and spiritual development. Neither the cards nor the reader predict your future as an absolute outcome as such, as you have free will to make your own choices or to change your path. Rather, the cards offer you a look at the bigger picture, as well as anything that you may need to know or have delivered to your consciousness for growth and healing to take place.
The Process
The card readers will likely call upon beings of light or their own spirit team, or that of their client. They may perform their own sacred ritual or invocation, or set a specific intention for the reading, as well as use some clearing and protection methods. They will then use their own method of choosing cards or selecting ‘spreads’ for the client.
Oracle Cards and the Law of Attraction
Many people giving oracle cards a go for the first time worry that they’ll pick the ‘wrong card’. But that is not possible, so you don’t need to worry. The Law of Attraction is in action every time a card is drawn, resulting in the right card being picked, regardless of the method being used.
Sometimes the same card (or different card with a similar meaning) will pop up more than once, this by no mistake. When this happens, the Law of Attraction is telling you to pay attention to the message. It is a form of validation for you to be aware and to get your attention so that you follow the guidance being given. Messages and signs will be repeated until you take notice and more importantly, take whatever physical / mental / emotional / spiritual action the card is trying to convey. It is like being given a clue, or a key. It is up to you to turn the lock, release any fears, and take that
next step, by being aware and opening any doors that come to you.
So I recommend you give oracle cards a go. There are many online applications that allow you to pick a card or card spread from a site, or you can try buying your own deck. Oracle cards can be found at good book stores, metaphysical shops or online. When choosing a pack, use your intuition and go with whichever theme or pack stands out to you.

2 thoughts on “From ‘Ancient Oracle’ to 21st Century ‘Oracle Cards’

  1. a friend took me to get the cards read and that lady told me I know how to read the cards

  2. Some people have an natural intuition for this type of thing.

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